Sitemap - 2022 - Capitalist Notes by Christian Whiton

Biden should support Chinese protesters and dissidents

Why selfish Trump FEARS DeSantis, yet must hand Ron the torch to save the America First movement, writes CHRISTIAN WHITON who served under the ex-president

End of Superpower Monopoly Can Be Good For America

Biden should stop ignoring Taiwan’s military

Biden and DC Sure Know How to Put America Last

Wokeness Harming Military Recruitment (Finance Friday)

DeSantis would be even better than Trump (Daily Caller)

Who is the real fascist? (Daily Mail)

Voters rebuke establishment in Cheney annihilation (Daily Mail)

Regime Raid on Trump an Outrage

People Are Sick of China

RECESSION: Democrat Policies Tank Economy

Time to Dump Woke Foreign Policy

RIP Shinzo Abe

Biden Puts Europe First and America Last (Finance Friday)

Joe Biden’s Recession is Already Here (Finance Friday)

No Way Out For Joe Biden Amid Cycle of Doom

After Uvalde America Needs Revival, Not Gun Control

Blinken’s Soft-on-China Globaloney Speech (Finance Friday)

A GOP Congress Should Impeach Biden on Five Counts

Dotard Biden’s Seinfeld Trip to Asia

We Can't Even Produce Baby Forumla

Chinese Arrest 90-Year-Old Cardinal Zen

Vance Wins--Ohio Votes to Protect Manufacturing

NYT Obsessed With Tucker

Congress Should Reject Biden's $33 Billion for Ukraine

Is Liz Cheney a Russian Agent?

Charlie don't surf and Ivan don't code

Regime Change Biden Goes Nuts

Republican war hawks share blame with Biden for high gas prices

New World Odor: Stinky Joe Tanking USA

Oil Spiking Because No One Putting America First

Four-bucks-a-gallon Biden Creating Energy Crisis

Biden's Worst Days are Yet to Come

Putin Thinks We Are a Bunch of Karens

CNN's Failure is Complete

Singapore is the New Capital of Asia

Russia Russia Russia

Biden’s “Voting Rights” Scam Would Make It Easier To Steal Elections

Biden Should Resolve to Stay in His Basement