That $1.9 trillion debt added each year is about $600 for every man woman and child. Four years in a household of four and that family is down $10k. That's before the impact of inflation. Goosing the money supply will save the Federal budget from chaos when Treasury notes must be rolled over but will crush that same household under inflation in the third, fourth and fifth quintiles. A lot of those are Democrats. It's reasonable for Dems to worry.

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Bidens first days in office ignited the inflation across the board, he was a happy idiot with a pen and a phone.

3 going four years of this cf of an administration makes me want to vomit.

I sure as hell hope I'm not the only one.

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The inflation is from the excess savings from the Trump Tax Cuts. The Bush Tax Cuts also led to inflation but most people don’t remember that episode because once we hit 5.5% year over year inflation the economy melted down. Bottom line—wealthy Americans don’t need more money to spend!!

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The map is wrong. Trump is leading in Nevada and Arizona too.

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The map is wrong. It doesn't consider election fraud.

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Right Richard. I don't think I've learned of any definitive news stories over how 5-6 swing states have made their elections airtight, since 2020.

Projections of any GOP win could be moot in the extreme. Remember the 'red wave' of 2022....?

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MI and NV have made it worse

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Can anyone explain, to me why we are releasing sanctions on Iran at exactly the same moment they are in a proxy war with Israel and killing our soldiers abroad? It's almost as if Biden has surrounded himself with idiots.

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I explain it by saying we've been taken-over. Its the enemy within now. Leftists stole the last couple of elections (self-evident), and are now running the table.

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I understand that Democrats keep destroying us in a never ending attempt to obtain absolute power. What I don't understand is power over what? There will be nothing left to have power over.

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Power over you & me. Telling us how much water we can use, what kind of appliances we cannot buy, and forcing us to buy insurance we don't need.

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We must not forget all the new taxes and fees our blue states politicians are fostering on their taxpayers. Colorado has made it so expensive for small businesses, their leaving or closing shop.

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Here's how you know the left is simply psychotic. The avg life expectency of humans is about 80yrs, and a mere drop in the ocean of time. The media moguls , Soros, Shumer, Clintons, BillGates, et al., they'll all be dead in about 20yrs or less. Theyre already rich, so why, why why on Earth have they any motive or interest in enslaving all of us. Lenin died a couple of years after he turned his country communist, lasting for 70 years!!! It can be nothing but impure motives of greed or lust or revenge against authority. All evil and demonic stuff. Like rabid dogs, apparently incapable of controlling their behavior, hence, we need to do something.

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There are no words to describe the repulsion I feel for the media. They are deserving of the shunning that the American public is dishing out.

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The msm exists now as a PR version of Zuckerbucks, which was sold as non-partisan, but in reality is designed to help democrats. The media doesn’t bother to try and be neutral. Its job now is to engage and enrage enough liberals to drive voter turnout and win elections for democrats. Prevatrump they hid and camouflaged their bias in the need to have veneer of credibility. That has been discarded. Their excuse/rationalization is that Trump and MAGA is a “threat to democracy”. The “reporters” vie to be more woke so as to be accepted by their liberal peers.

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