The media has a growing problem: people aren’t buying its lies. The implications of this reality are potentially huge as voters seem poised in 2024 to turn against the ruling progressive elite to a degree not seen since 2016.
Start with the economy. The administration of President Joe Biden and its allies in the media just don’t understand why people aren’t in love with Bidenomics.
Take CNN, the once-reputable if left-leaning outlet that became permanently hysterical and deranged when Donald Trump was president. It reported in September: “What’s the biggest problem with the US economy right now? The vibes are off. By almost any objective measure, Americans are doing much better economically than they were nearly three years ago, when President Joe Biden took office.” The left-wing UK Guardian chimed in: “The lack of confidence in the economy has many academics and politicians puzzled.”
Puzzled vibes or not, according to RealClearPolitics, 59 percent of Americans disapprove of the way Biden is handling the economy. The media points to gross domestic product growth and low unemployment, but both of those are juiced by federal deficit spending that will average a wildly unsustainable $1.9 trillion annually during Biden’s term—and without which the economy would be in deep recession. (The calculation of GDP includes government spending.)
The problem for Biden and the media is that cumulative inflation—amounting to 17.4 percent from the time Biden took office through November 2023—will exceed 20 percent by the end of his term. Furthermore, these official numbers are phonied up, as anyone knows who has tried to buy food or acquire housing recently. Real prices paid by normal Americans will likely be up more than 30 percent over the Biden years.
That’s a 30 percent tax on all Americans’ savings and ability to buy goods and services. It was the direct result of Biden’s Federal Reserve creating new dollars out of thin air to fund his deficit spending in the name of socialist-style central economic planning. It is basically the same as if a banana republic fired up the peso printing presses to pay for the generalissimo’s graft before a rigged election. No amount of happy-talk by the financial media can obscure this reality that Americans can see every day with their own eyes.

Recent stock market gains—abetted by a reckless Federal Reserve eager to help reelect Biden that is “independent” of presidents only during Republican administrations—just reinforced that in recent years, the rich have gotten richer while the poor and middle class have gotten poorer.
Then there is the border crisis. Biden and the media assert the crisis is mostly hype to be ignored. Liberal Bloomberg echoed White House talking points, reporting favorably that Biden “…lambasted Republicans over the migration crisis, saying they gutted the immigration system during Donald Trump’s presidency and have since failed to provide him with necessary funding to address the situation.” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas frequently testilies to Congress that “the border isn’t open.”
In reality, the government admitted that 2.4 million illegals entered the USA in 2023 and that does not include the many who went undetected. The rate has recently increased to 12,000 daily entrants about whom the government knows—a 4.4 million annual rate. Biden will have admitted at least 10 million illegals during his term. The new illegals don’t even come primarily from Mexico. A report this month reflected the change over the course of this year: “Within months, Tijuana would be teeming with migrants from across the globe — from Haiti, India, Bangladesh and various parts of Africa — all hoping to reach the U.S.”
Over 160 people on the terrorist watch list tried to cross the border in 2023, and that doesn’t count those who went undetected.
Trump was recently scolded and compared to Adolf Hitler by the hysterical and deranged media for saying that illegals are poisoning the life blood of America. However, he is clearly onto something with voters. As with the economy, the public isn’t buying the media propaganda about immigration being under control or benign. According to RealClearPolitics, only 32 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of immigration. An October poll indicated 58 percent support for a border wall.
Finally, there is foreign policy, about which both progressive and conservative media has joined with the White House and Pentagon to lie consistently to the American public. Yellow journalism about Ukraine has helped various interests shovel more than $120 billion to that country that Russia invaded after Biden pointedly ignored each and every concern Moscow expressed. The invasion was still wrong, but it threatened no vital U.S. interest since corrupt and authoritarian Ukraine has nothing to offer to the U.S. economy or national security.
Supporters of the war don’t even attempt to define vital U.S. interests that might be present, opting instead to cheerlead Ukraine and spin abstract globalist bromides about defending freedom and democracy in a place where neither exist. The Wall Street Journal’s news and editorial pages have so much pro-Ukraine cheerleading they should probably register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. NPR—the U.S. government-funded outlet known pejoratively in the business as “Nicaraguan Public Radio” for its over-the-top left-wing views, cheered a supposed “full-blown demographic crisis” crippling Russia’s economy. Yet Russia’s economy is resilient, its central banker Elvira Nabiullina is unfortunately a genius unlike our own Fed officials, and Russia is flush with petroleum-export revenue.

In October, Foreign Policy reported: “What’s more, the lack of a major Ukrainian land advance obscures the very real battlefield successes Ukraine has had in other theaters of the conflict—most notably in Russian-occupied Crimea and the Black Sea.” In fact, Ukraine’s summer counteroffensive failed entirely and Russia is slowly gaining ground—possibly presaging a collapse in eastern Ukraine and the latest signs of NATO’s obsolescence and the American military’s inability to win wars. Almost every former U.S. military officer opining about Ukraine’s prospects on TV has been wrong. They join experts who predicted Russia’s economic collapse; in fact, energy sanctions on Russia have succeeded mainly in increasing energy costs for Americans.

But as recently as September, the Daily Beast gushed about Biden foreign policy overall: “The [Secretary of State’s] remarks were also a reminder that without fanfare and often far from the camera’s eye, the administration has compounded a record of achievement that stands out as extraordinary when compared with virtually any other modern administration.”
Meanwhile, China’s navy now has more ships than the U.S. Navy and is waging low-intensity conflict with Taiwan and the Philippines as a possible prelude to pushing the United States out of the Western Pacific—a place where actual vital U.S. interests exist. Iran is also on the march with its proxy armies launching a war with Israel, attacking useless and vulnerable U.S. bases in America-hating Iraq, and expanding operations outside of the Arabian Gulf to the Red Sea—threatening global shipping. In three short years, Biden has transitioned Iran from contained to expansionist.
America is ill prepared to fight any defensive war, especially one against China. Japan just announced it would export arms for the first time since World War II—sending invented-in-the-USA Patriot missiles it manufactures to the United States. Washington has no fighter planes permanently stationed at one of our most important air bases in the Pacific. House China Committee Chairman Mike Gallagher (R-WI) revealed that several Pacific bases are mostly defenseless against even low-tech Chinese missiles—much less the new Russian stealthy, maneuverable, hypersonic missiles of which we currently have none. Our own stockpiles of high and low-tech weapons have been given away to countries like Ukraine and our defense-industrial base is unable to keep up with demand—another toll of our globalists’ export of our manufacturing to China.

Here too the wise public does not buy the media-government shinola about national security, including laughable comparisons of Ukraine’s leader to Winston Churchill. An October poll revealed only 41 percent of Americans support sending more arms to Ukraine. An August poll showed two-thirds of respondents would prefer a presidential candidate who supports higher tariffs on China. Sixty percent of Americans oppose Biden’s handling of foreign policy overall.
The media is undaunted. Throughout autumn, the media and the Biden campaign led a coordinated effort to warn that a second Trump presidency would be a threat to democracy. This comes from the neo-Leninists who actually threaten democracy in seeking to jail Trump on politicized charges and prevent Americans from even having the choice of voting for him. Again, the public has tuned out the media, with Trump and other top Republicans all leading Biden in polls for the election that is ten months away.
The media is now breathlessly hoping that Democrats will turn the tide and that the public will resume listening to them. CNN this month eagerly reported, “President Joe Biden’s campaign is building up its operations heading into the 2024 election year, laying the groundwork in key battleground states and sharpening its argument against former President Donald Trump.”
Unfortunately for them, there is no evidence that increasing Biden’s exposure to the public helps the cause of the Democrats or the media. His 2020 campaign was notable for his lack of public interaction.
And then there is Vice President Kamala Harris. The less said about her the better.
It appears as though the media’s ability to influence the public has decayed, benefitting those who would challenge the Biden administration and America’s corrupt institutions.
Those in the media must understand: no one hears their screams.
Bidens first days in office ignited the inflation across the board, he was a happy idiot with a pen and a phone.
3 going four years of this cf of an administration makes me want to vomit.
I sure as hell hope I'm not the only one.
That $1.9 trillion debt added each year is about $600 for every man woman and child. Four years in a household of four and that family is down $10k. That's before the impact of inflation. Goosing the money supply will save the Federal budget from chaos when Treasury notes must be rolled over but will crush that same household under inflation in the third, fourth and fifth quintiles. A lot of those are Democrats. It's reasonable for Dems to worry.