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Tell TRUMP to stop dividing, then!!

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I don't know, who stands with/behind who(!!)

Too exhausting & self-defeating.

Listen closely...

Verify records...

Vote accordingly(!!)

Everything else, becomes an endless rabbit trail.

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We need to be responsible voters...

And realize that God casts the final vote; as testified by the once, sovereign ruler of the known world...

King Nebuchadnezzar~Daniel 4:1-37~

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Agree about Trump but DeSantis is no savior! He is clearly bought and paid for and part of the establishment! The man is so phony it's sickening!

I don't vote never did nor will - refuse to enable the corruption malfeasance and subterfuge! GREAT article on this: Another Dictatorial Election: What Have You Done, and Why Are You Still So Blind?

By Gary D. Barnett

I am also neither a Democrat nor Republican - I do however beleive RFK Jr is perhaps the only person who can save us - he has name recognition FAME AND FORTUNE - and is also brilliant! He advocates abolishing all alphabet agencies - it's the only way we survive! I actually beleive DeSantis is nothing more than a deliberate and intentional distraction to keep Trump out of office! Look at the size of his war chest and tell me he's NOT BOUGHT AND PAID FOR!

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"I don't vote never did nor will" - Then you don't get to blather your nonsense on the internet about politics. If you aren't in the game and doing your duty, your comments mean absolutely nothing. What a bunch of spineless nonsense.

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You may think DeSantis, phoney...

But he sure has been effective in Florida; winning over, 2 (two!!) Democrat strongholds...just to name a few(!!!)

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Trump has the 360 degree vision. While he may at times drive us crazy, he has been in the mainstream milieu for 50+ years and has clear, deep insight about precisely who the enemy is, and how they are to be taken down. He was thwarted by Ryan, Russiagate, RINOs, and nasty impeachment movements in his first term. The only way DeSantis could fill those shoes would be if he had the same knowledge, drive, zeal and vision that DJT has - and I don't think that can be.

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Where you part of the swamp traitors in Trump’s

administration? I agree with you about DeSantis but with friends like you, who needs enemies?

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My wife and I voted for Mr. Trump in 2016 and 2020.

However, we will join what we both hope will be a majority of conservative voters who do not want Mr. Trump to ruin any chance of having younger candidates end up in the White House.

I personally believe the 2020 election had some serious defects, such as governors ordering modifications to their state's voting laws. My reading of our Constitution indicates that legislators decide a state's voting laws, not the governor, unless the legislature allows a governor to modify a state's voting laws.

But much of the problem faced during this mid-term can be laid at the feet of GOP leadership, which had not promoted early voting by Republicans, having ignored what was happening in recent elections when Democrats actively promoted early voting.

Your analysis is most informative, Christian, and our family thanks you for sharing your views with those of here on Substack.

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My son married a young woman whose family escaped from Poland into Germany and then were able to migrate into the U.S.

Her parents and her two brothers all became naturalized U.S. citizens. So yes, I know about communism.

As for "True Patriot," I am reminded that patriotism can be "the last refuge of a scoundrel," as illustrated by a president who characterizes all left of center voters as right wing extremists.

I pray you and your husband are wrong about the future of our beloved nation, Lynn.

Thank you for your comment.

Former president Trump relatively crude attacks on various people will no longer be tolerated by most of the electorate. No living Democrat will vote for him in 2024, nor will a majority of independent voters.

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I'm not (simply) about the younger blood in the White House...

But I AM disgusted with Trump's aim in dividing our party(!!!)

Does his EGO not allow him to see that?!?

Put your hat in the ring...

STOP with the childish, name-calling...

Have a HEALTHY, substantive debate...

STOP the undesired, promoting of self!

And TRUST Americans to decide!

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All good points, Margie. Now if only we could send those points to Mr. Trump's wife 🤣

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I'm with you;

Trump was great for our country, but is not our only hope for healing and getting back on track...

Please Mr Trump; put country over self!

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So very well put!

A few pro-Trumpers in my life, can't let go of him;

They see him..(as he sees himself)...as the ultimate/only savior of our country!

He has gone beyond egoism: causing division...withIN the party(!!)

2024 is NOT about any, one individual... despite past accomplishments;

2024 is about restoring OUR COUNTRY, to its constitutional integrity AND independence from relying on ANY other nation...(for ANYthing, Joe Biden!!!)

2024 is NOT to prop up NO one's egotistical, self importance!!

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Your comment and that of my wife and I illustrates how quickly our GOP needs to settle on a course that will achieve what you and we stand for, Margie.

Thank you for your comment.

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I believe most of you, including Christian Whiton, are needlessly starting a civil war within our party.

The majority of people who voted for Trump in 2016 & 2020 were voting FOR TRUMP, not for the Republican party. 

If Trump is unceremoniously kicked to the curb as most of you are advocating, and if DeSantis bestowed the Republican nomination the exact same way Mitt Romney was, the vast majority of Trump voters will STAY HOME and not vote in 2024. That is reality.

So please stop trying to manipulate the playing field by attempting to shame Trump into not running. Let the voters decide. If DeSantis wants the nomination, he needs declare he's running for President and EARN it. 

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Desantis is smarter, smoother and just a better version of Trump. He will get what needs to be done happen by selecting smarter, cleverer and smoother people than Trump was capable of tolerating around him. Thank you Trump for what you did, but make no mistake you will be loathed in the end by true America First voters if you don't step aside and pass the torch to DeSantis.

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