Contrasting point of view on the same event: https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/the-swamp-strikes-back

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Closer to the mark than we would like.

It was a serious own goal.

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Elon and X users killed that monstrosity of a bill that funded more biolabs for “pandemic” research, the Global Engagement Center, and Ukraine’s efforts toward national suicide. And they did it in record time, miraculously just in time. This is maybe a little inelegant, but it is a win. Government shutdown at this point would be a win. When would be a better time to rattle the cage of Leviathan?

Resident Biden will have a blissful, relaxing Xmas regardless. Did you think that he cares about any of this-?

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All easily solved: When a CR comes up, it ONLY funds the government. No increases. Every other bill that is brought up is a single issue spending bill with whatever increase, relegated to ONE thing, or group of RELATED things. There, I fixed your problem Congress. Omnibus bills that expand the budget have to end.

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Probably the worse Substack article I've ever read.

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(Chip Roy (R-Texas) “noted the old bill had $110 billion in new deficit spending and the new bill had the same new deficit spending.” How is that even possible –the 120-page bill that was ultimately passed had the same spending as the 1,547-page bill? Did they use really, really small font? Likely, this post was written before the third bill of 120 pages was passed by the House and approved by the Senate, thereby avoiding a shutdown. Most people would call this a slam-dunk win for Trump.

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