I'm going to hope Trump finally puts the lunatic fringes in both parties to bed on abortion. There's almost universal support for a 15-week limit, with exceptions. Without a federal law, this game is recycled every election.

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The book Dark Nation by Sidney Blumenthal (referenced by Mark Simon) cannot be found on Amazon or Google. It sounds interesting--can we get the correct title?

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“Dark Invasion” by Howard Blum. Sorry about that.

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I was just talking about another Farley\Spade movie that I love the other day....Black Sheep.

In that movie a Gregoire-esque Democrat rigs an election using dead voters. Then a giant fat bumbling idiot spoils her inaguration when he proves she did it. I think that is the more likely outcome...or hopeful outcome. The fat guy has already sung (and has been singing for 3 years) and it's time for a reckoning. The only difference is in this timeline he isn't an idiot, and there are a lot more like him who are paying attention and know the game.

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