130% of annual GDP... wow... Is America going to become Zimbabwe?

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Maybe we'll just default to become "Venezuela del Norte" with the continued influx of tens of thousands of illegal migrants, most of whom are still from Latin America, and a majority of whom probably want socialism. No country in modern times has opened it borders to allow the world in, particularly during a worldwide pandemic, and at the same time decided to spend trillions of money it will have to "borrow" or rather "create" since it's apparent that what is happening is just printing money a la Zimbabwe, Weimar Germany, Brazil, Argentina, and other nations that thought they could inflate themselves out of debt. Maybe what we are is the Roman Empire 2021?

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how long before you and other media start hammering on the election fraud of November 2020? Those of us who are educated scientists recognized this months ago. Are journalists absolutely such mathematical incompetents that they won't stick their necks out for something as plain as the Earth revolving around the Sun? We thought Galileo was a historical figure? Are journalists dumb or cowardly? Neither is a good look. Those of us with elevated IQs do HATE having to depend on nitwits who control the means of mass communication. They are focused like a laser on "man-made global warming", something for which there is very little real evidence, while IGNORING mountains of data which show that DJT won re-election handily. Sheesh!!

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DJT won the election? Even in 2016, he won only by committing fraud in collusion with the Russians.

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If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with MILLIONS of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to “mix in” until no people of that kind were left.

If anyone objected, I would scream the R-word! at them and get them fired from their jobs.

If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that.

Anti-Whites are doing it to White people in EVERY & ONLY White countries.

It’s WHITE Genocide!

Anti-Racist is a code word for anti-White.

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As a Republican who had to operate in a blue state, I understand basic political math and was used to planning for the next 1994 or 2010 moment. Republicans have to be for something and not against everything. The $1 trillion bill is too large but is a shit-sandwich to the Squad. Mitch McConnell put Pelosi in a box. 9 moderate Dems broke ranks and now the Democrats have all of the problems. They might implode and nothing (the preferred outcome) gets done.

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