It seems like an interesting question to ask what Johnson gained or feared about this mammoth spending deliberation. He said he changed his mind after a conversation with intelligence. If intelligence threatened him, was there nobody on the right who could reassure him?

Trump reluctantly supported all of Johnson’s decisions the other day. Is Trump still afraid of intelligence? Did Trump decide not to rock the boat before HIS election? Certainly 100 billion means nothing to Republicans who just passed a budget adding 1 trillion dollars, minimum, to the debt every hundred days forever. The Republicrats are hard to respect.

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People like Mr. Whiton are a major part of what is wrong with the US today. He is so concerned with what “would help Republicans and harm Democrats” that he seems to care nothing about what is right or good for America. My father and millions of others fought a war about 80 years ago (maybe Mr. Whiton has heard of it) so that the West would not be subject to the whims of men like Putin. Mr. Whiton and much of today’s Republican Party would have us believe all those good men who fought and died were fools who were suckered into a meaningless war. If sending arms to Ukraine to help it fight for freedom is a waste, then the only conclusion is that all the sacrifices made eighty years age were also a waste. I refuse to believe that. I support aid to Ukraine, because it is the right thing to do, just as it was the right thing to do when America helped liberate Europe from Hitler. I also support it because I have a son serving in the US Army, and I would rather send arms now than blood later. I have been a Republican all my life, and I voted for Trump twice, but I am done with the know-nothing types who seem to control the Republican Party today. I will not vote for any so called Republican who does not support aid to Ukraine, including Trump if that remains his position. In Texas, we still remember that good men came to aid Texas when it fought for its freedom; all the Ukrainians are asking is that we send them arms so THEY can fight for their freedom. Shame on anyone who will not give them what they need.

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We’ve already spent the money, just a matter of reimbursing the US military for aid it already sent. Don’t you get it? The US military is being hollowed out to send aid from all over the world to fund the war.

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The only thing weird about Matt Gaetz is that there are not more like him in Congress (MTG gets an honorable mention). Meanwhile, the train keeps picking up speed as it heads down the tracks and the two above seem to be the only ones willing to put on the brakes.

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When have democrats ever not called the shots in the house? Seriously. Name me a time when the GOP actually accomplished something that could possibly be construed as a win for the limited government movement? I'd love to hear a single example where a law was passed that did not expand the role, reach and power of the federal government.

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One of the more interesting, and frightful, features of Biden's misadventure in Ukraine is that he has allowed Putin to goad him beyond threats of sanctions to the actual imposition of sanctions.

The "crushing sanctions" that Biden so glibly promised have turned out to be an illusion and failure.

Far worse, Putin and the world now know this was an enormous bluff, such that the threat of sanctions will no longer be a deterrent, at least to Putin and probably others.

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There is zero evidence that Putin plans to expand Russia beyond the parts of Ukraine in which those of Russian dissent were being murdered and imprisoned for…thought crimes. Full stop. All intent crime accusations are 100% narrative spin speculation.

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Hey instead of blaming Johnson, how about getting a more robust majority elected.

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Wrong, wrong, wrong. Thank God aid bill passed. Stopping Russia is critical to US interests. If Russia wins, we’ll spend way more to contain and keep off NATO’s border. It’s about time the Republican Party goes back to President Reagan, a real Republican, not the appeasement clowns that Trump and minions represents.

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Mr. Whiton is too smart for his terrible arguments;

1. America's national security strategy hinges on 2 two essential elements; securing freedom of navigation on the seas as befits a global maritime/trading power, and playing the "off-shore balancing" role of preventing foreign spoilers in upsetting an international order that again benefits the US, so as to peacefully and competitively engage in commerce in an international marketplace free of turmoil. Russian aggression in Ukraine/Black Sea is a transgression on both counts. If the US, who acted decisively following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Serbian aggressions in the Balkans, suddenly cant find their balls when an emerging nation of 43 million souls, who is a major exporter of grains and metals is suddenly on the chopping block of a dying empire that yearns for the old days, we are in trouble. Putin wants Russia's old empire back. That is a direct threat to our national interests. Mr. Whiton must know this.

2. Corruption; This is kind of a joke, and of all people who claim to have some kind of "understanding" regarding socialism, communism, and totalitarian command economies, conservatives should know better - Communism was an inherently evil system that, among other horrible things, left people to fend for themselves because it could not deliver the "meat" to the table. Non party people had to beg barter and steal to get by, and the fortunate few in the party apparatus slowly turned their party agencies into graft machines. Why fault a post Soviet nation for a symptom of an evil that the US rightly fought against for decades?

Fact I - every former east bloc state, despite throwing off the yoke of Russian communists, had to contend with cultures of corruption; Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech, etc. Guess what? From a combination of their own determination, and vitally, western support, they surmounted it, and now constitute an important strategic bulwark for US interests. Ukraine wants to tread this road. They are simply a few historical chapters behind from when Reagan helped win the cold war and brought central Europe into the fold.

Fact II - For US strategists, corruption has never been a deal breaker, as long as it is strategically effective. Take a moment and think - Among Americas greatest achievements abroad (our intervention in WW2 to liberate Europe, and our successful "Containment" policy to defeat Russian led communist expansion) the US poured treasure into the coffers of dozens of foreign parties - kings, emirs, dictators, juntas, ersatz republics, etc. You get the point. Q1 - How clean were any of these regimes? Q2 - Regardless of graft, did the overall effect achieve our goal? It did.

Mr. Whiton surely knows the answer is yes - both then and now. The Ukrainians are still suffering symptoms of what I call "Long Socialism." Don't blame them. They want to get better. And the proof is in the pudding. Our support, and Kyiv's resolve, has resulted in a major global disruptor and avowed nemesis of US interests to have lost over %50 of their national combat capability. Half a million Zeds are pushing up daisies in Ukrainian wheat fields. That only happened due to a synergy of Ukrainian resolve and western material support. The fact that Kyiv has been able to hold off the Zeds for seven months despite US aid proves they are a sufficiently safe investment.

Clearly there is something rather private bedeviling Christian's thinking on this matter, but notions of strategic calculus and fears of graft in our aid are not among them. Perhaps one day he will be more candid.

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Well, the throwbacks sure as hell can't run it.

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Unbelievable. Russia requested back whole Eastern Europe from NATO and USA, check official documents on official russian ministerial website Dec 16 2021, this is how this war started. Russia the last colonial empire, want's the old East European colonies out of NATO , practically at it's mercy. Why would Russia stop advancing after winning Ukraine? Because of 1000 US troops defending the Baltic countries, Poland and Romania? Will anybody believe NATO will use nuclear to stop Russia? I feel like USA is exactly like in 41, dreaming it's untouchable. Btw, do you know that Russia is pushing USA out of Africa country by country? If Eastern Europe fails, western Europe will fail too shortly. Russia is fighting to destroy the US dollar, want's a new global order and China will fallow the winner, the Great Russian Empire.

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As members of Congress used to say a few years ago, "A million here and a million there. Pretty soon we are talking about real money." Just substitute the "m" with a "b" and we have the result of adding $100 trillion every 100 days. And nobody cares.

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