This is sad news. Never before has our country been so set adrift from its foundation. How can anyone dismiss the machinations of the Democratic Party to rig elections, prosecute innocent citizens, intimidate citizens, lie about citizens, and prosecute republicans for standing up for their own beliefs while manipulating the press and public to quash their crimes. Hunter Biden anyone?? Joe Biden anyone? Kilary Clinton anyone???

Dear Lord save us, save our nation.

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Aug 9, 2022
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Yes....definitely a conspiracy here!!!!

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Don't worry - I'm sure trumpy will buy his way out of this like he has done 1000 times in the past

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Anything behind that "buy his way out"? He seems to survive more than might be expected given being a solid target. Perhaps he is most honest than most, at the edge of law perhaps, but often dumping his uncensored thoughts on the public.

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You see him honest because he says what he thinks, while others see him as dishonest because what he thinks is most often not true

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Fair enough. Although most often is hard to quantify. His habits of blurting his feelings often resulted in no action taken aside from the bluster. What I find tiresome is a politician adoping a position that they clearly don't believe in, but happens to be the current party line. Worse the news readers who spout a "phrase of the day" that must originate in some place common to all to be repeated ad nauseam.

Susan Rice and her Benghazi claims repeated word for word in multiple TV interviews was quite rehearsed and quite wrong. Few are capable of such an acting job.

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That Mar a Lago was raided proves that NO ONE is above the law.

End. Of. Story.

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No, it proves the Biden Reich is a threat to every American.

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Wonder if the raiding agents wore brown shirts and jack boots?

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Not sure of your conclusion. At best this use of the FBI is troubling. The truth is there is no good spin on this as the FBI authorized an investigation into the former president's campaign on information they knew to be false. The misdeeds get pretty thoroughly exposed, even if a conviction was avoided, and more people are headed to trial and the internal investigation into the "possible mishandling of Steele Dossier source" is not going so well when the decision is made to .....raid him.

The FBI has had too many errors to maintain credibility.

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What are you talking about....Trump turned over 15 boxes of documents that SHOULD NEVER HAVE LEFT ......and now the FBI goes and gets 12 more.....Are you not interested in what the GRIFTER FAMILY kept???? LMAO

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This isn't unusual as presidents take documents home at the end of their term for their presidential libraries. Would you been okay if the home of the pres Clinton's National Security advisor was raided after he was caught taken classified documents out of the White House by stuffing them in his pants? That really happened, along with H. Clinton having a secret private server that had some classified docs on it. Should she have been raided? You need to wake up and smell the coffee.

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This is sad news. Never before has our country been so set adrift from its foundation. How can anyone dismiss the machinations of the Democratic Party to rig elections, prosecute innocent citizens, intimidate citizens, lie about citizens, and prosecute republicans for standing up for their own beliefs while manipulating the press and public to quash their crimes. Hunter Biden anyone?? Joe Biden anyone? Kilary Clinton anyone???

Dear Lord save us, save our nation.

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Your anger might be directed toward an astute lawyer Marc Elias of the DNC. He has used legal tactics to alter the field and is likely behind the DOJ warrant. Perversion of the law seems to be his major skill and he is quite good at that.

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Hopefully as you say this will really rile and provoke the voters - not only about Trump but our entire Government. It's precisely why I've never voted nor will. The massive corruption and malfeasance. BTW lets not forget about the current censorship on the American people. This appears to be an administration ossified drunk on power. My guess is that they have either planted something or will claim to have found something that, like all the rest, is yet another lie. Lastly when it came to shredding documents no one was more prolific then Dick Cheney himself. Not only IN OFFICE but at his home after he left. There was an article a few years ago about the TRUCK SHREDDERS leaving his home.

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Yep, Cheney is just as horrible as Trump.

Good point.

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Listening to and reading RFK Jr for the last two years regarding "just the lethal injections" proved how irate he is with the Democratic Party and not only the CDC and NIH but ALL the alphabet agencies! Read the latest letter he's written to them directly. Although I don't vote and never will I beleive this is the only man that can save this Country. He believes in abolishing ALL these alphabet agencies and has no kind words for the FBI and CIA! I believe also doing away with the UN and NATO. I also think and hope he will run as a last minute candidate in 2024 at the very height of the massive deaths from these injections which will catapult him into office. Trumps downfall is and continues to be, not only his continued support but ever allowing them when in fact there were proven alternatives. Trumps albatross are the lethal injections! I truly beleive RFK Jr is the only man for this job and although I like DeSantis I wouldn't trust him. Kennedy has nothing to prove or gain and is incorruptible.


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Aug 9, 2022
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Um, DeSantis never forced the jab on anyone.

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Aug 9, 2022
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Pretty much every grocer with a pharmacy in the country is pushing vaccines. Publix isn't special. Also. Publix has a store in almost every burg in Florida. It's a natural outlet for rapid deployment.

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He may not have mandated it like other Governors but he certainly encouraged it and quite often also touted the numbers. He gave many a press conference doing so. Don't get me wrong I like the guy but he is clearly not the person he purports to be. Every single one of these announcement's, he's standing at a podium shrouded by imbeciles. Classic political theater.

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You realize that RFK Jr is a personal injury lawyer that has a foundation devoted to spreading lies about vaccines, including the Salk vaccine, in order to boost his ridiculous positions in court. You do know that is what he is about, right?

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Aug 9, 2022
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That's hard to say since the Germans did not bomb Pearl Harbor

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See...this is the problem I have with you guys....I am assuming GOP. Just like I tell my kids.......STUPID IS NOT OK!! LOL "Germans bombed Pearl Harbor" FrankyJ...are you not shamed too?>

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Very good Gene. I got a good laugh. Sorry for the illiterati that do not know your reference.

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With all due respect I falsely assumed that as well. I learned of him through a neighbor whose son nearly died TWICE after being vaccinated after the doctors reassured her the first incident was completely unrelated. Imagine being the parent of a 4 year old in the ICU for a month not knowing if he would live? And THEN going through it again because you actually believed the doctor!! Do your homework and listen to him. He's NOT AGAINST vaccines but rather a staunch advocate of SAFE vaccines. They know he's a threat and this is the narrative they been peddling for years. He also an "environmental" lawyer and won myriad lawsuits against these polluters. He sued Monsanto for the cancer causing Roundup weed killer which is still being sold! He is the first one to tell you the three major pharmaceutical companies have paid almost 40 BILLION DOLLARS IN FINES! Many of which were falsifying document's.

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JFK Jr is out for JFK Jr. He is claiming that 600,000 Indian children have been maimed by a polio vaccine supported by Bill Gates. The Indian government and other NGOs peg the number at 17. Or 1 per 2,500,000. JFK Jr is a bottom feeder.

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Watergate Part 2 - The Evil Empire Strikes Back

The judge, Bruce Reinhart, who signed the warrant to raid Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago previously worked for Jeffrey Epstein. To even entertain the idea that this had something to do with classified documents would mean following the same election interference disinformation nonsense of 2016-2020 about Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

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"The judge, Bruce Reinhart, who signed the warrant to raid Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago previously worked for Jeffrey Epstein."


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The Miami Herald, hardly a conservative organ, had this to say about Reinhart's relationship with Epstein: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article214210674.html

"Epstein also hired Bruce Reinhart, then an assistant U.S. attorney in South Florida, now a U.S. magistrate. He left the U.S. Attorney’s Office on Jan. 1, 2008, and went to work representing Epstein’s employees on Jan. 2, 2008, court records show. In 2011, Reinhart was named in the Crime Victims’ Rights Act lawsuit, which accused him of violating Justice Department policies by switching sides, implying that he leveraged inside information about Epstein’s investigation to curry favor with Epstein."

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Reinhart's page has been stripped from the official Southern District of Florida's web site:


Citation: https://www.law.com/dailybusinessreview/2022/08/09/court-pulls-info-for-judge-bruce-reinhart-whos-believed-to-have-signed-warrant-for-mar-a-lago-search-392-163284/?slreturn=20220709193035

This is not the sort of thing someone with nothing to hide or be ashamed of does. So good luck with your crusade to defend the indefensible.

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He was appointed by TRUMP!!!

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HE WAS APPOINTED BY TRUMP.......you know the rule right. Ok...I will go over it like I do with my pre teens. STUPID IS NOT OK. You have violated that rule....are you Russian?

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Appointments are not necessarily endorsements of a person. Aside from Trump being a terrible judge of character he was given lists to sign and told they were OK folk. Please inform your teens that wolves often wear sheepskin.

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A TRULY sad day. BEWARE the knock on your door in the middle of the night, instead of the East German STASI Secret Police it is our own FBI. All the points made by the author ring true. I can't imagine any reason that the FBI and DOJ would do this, except the one that occurred to me this morning: They are hoping to goad Trump into an angry reaction, to announce his candidacy NOW instead of after midterms as he probably plans. That would give the Dems their only chance to avoid annihilation in the mid terms; they could run against Trump again and deflect from the ineptitude of Dementia Joe. It is a tragedy that the FBI agreed to be used in this partisan political fashion,. they have lost all credibility.

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No one s above the law.

Not even fat Nixon.

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Only prominent Democrats like the Clintons and the Obamas are above the law. Some Democrats are more equal than all Republicans.

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Your post makes me very sad.....you should stop watching Fox.

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The reason why they raided his home and didn't send subpoenas as they should have is so they can plant documents in the pile they took that would be illegal for him to have. It then becomes his word against theirs. They're trying to put him in prison, just like any other banana republic dictatorship would do. Hey, we know they envy the CCP and their grip in China. They want the same regime here.

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Read up on his biography and tell me someone's not behind him. To perfect. I'm not a Democrat or Republican nor do I vote but after listening to RFJ Jr these last two years I beleive this man IS IN FACT the real deal. He has nothing to gain or prove to anyone because he already has everything. Other than his staunch advocacy for climate change (which I no longer know who to beleive) I support him 100%! NO ONE knows more about politics and what really goes on inside Washington or how the game is played better than the Kennedy's.

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I don't want to hear promises of investigations. I expect Republicans to introduce a bill to abolish the sinister FBI and keep introducing it after the midterms

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Sounds like the same thing as defunding the police - I thought you righties were all for law and order - apparently that's not the case when one of your own breaks the law

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Indeed, we are for law and order. Which is why we support the local police and believe the FBI should be defunded.

Clear now?

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Yes, I am quite clear on your hypocrisy - thanks for confirming!

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Idiot stick snark is the reason I usually don't respond to anonymous posters. See ya "FrankieJ"

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Truth hurts, johnny boy?

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Support the BLUE......and then send a bunch of idiots to beat the shit out of the CAPITAL POLICE.......John can you explain? Antifa.....? lolololollo You lack any ability to think logically. Sad

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Oh brother. Another mouth breather. "Sad"

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Again...you are violating the rule.....stupid is not ok. Support the Blue......send a mob to beat the shit out of the Capital Police......woke up????

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"Americans will never be free until the last Communist is strangled with the entrails of the last Democrat."


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The Democrats are filthy pissant tyrants and we are going to war with that Communist, perverted atheist scum, thieving pack of looting, murdering black streetfilth, Marxist Jewish trash, and Tammany Irish sc@mb@gs.

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Sounds like you hate everybody - yourself included

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Its about time trump got his feathers ruffled after living an elitist existence exempt from all accountability due to money and influence inherited from father

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They only thing that lifelong business loser is good at is spending money someone else actually earned.

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The criminals are basically at least trying to run the country now. Especially if there is reason to believe the Biden Administration had a hand in allowing the raid to happen, which is likely. People all over the country are really fed up with everything the Biden Administration has done at this point, time to vote better people into office. I think now we will have two committees in the House when it is ceded to the Republicans. One for 1/6 and another for 8/8. They will have a lot to answer for and you can bet they will do anything and everything they can to avoid giving answers.

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Aug 9, 2022
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Wray is worthless.

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Yes....like trying to limit the rape and pillage of the PHARMA......no limits to what they can charge for Insulin.....? Who are the criminals? You sound angry...stop watching Fox. you will feel better. lmao

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this article is partisan fear mongering garbage.

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Why is this writing opinions. He doesn't make sense in what he is saying. Maybe real clear politics is becoming useless.

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There has to be strong probable cause of a felony to enter a private dwelling, let alone ransack it. Garland and Wray at the very least should be indicted if their pretense was to find CLASSIFIED documents that might exist. If Trump is convicted of a crime, Dems might get the insurrection they wanted 6 January, which will give them carte blanche to arrest massive numbers of Trump supporters. Martial law will then ensue. I hope I am wrong.

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