Trump created a $6000 increase in median household income in 3 years that Obama could only dream about. Trump also brought more American manufacturing back home than Obama ever did. Trump provided some of the highest wage gains ever seen in American history for blue collar workers. Obama presided over the slowest economic recovery in U.S. history. American industry found a work around Obama's America Last policies.
Trump increased the national debt by $7.8 trillion over 4 years. Also, the number of people employed DECREASED by 3 million during his 4-year term. Both of these stats are unprecedented during a peacetime economy. Do you think that's good? I certainly don't!
They have Duracell ambulances 🚑 now , I don’t recommend it as one patient died when they tried to use a Defibrillator and the patients heart ❤️ exploded bc the ambulance batteries went awry.
Because I’m wealthy I donated a state of the art fossil burning Diesel full size 1 ton gas guzzler to ensure no other innocent 😇 patients get zapped to death in a electric futility ambulance 🚑.
Biden killed American service members along with 90 Afghanis in his shambolic retreat from that country. Then the idiot droned innocent Afghanis in a flailing retaliatory strike. Guess you think that was a "good job"? You must be one of the fools working in his administration. How are those inflated gas prices working out for you courtesy of President Ten-Percent? Get a MyPillow so you can cry into it come November, Hunter. Lol!
Delusion on your part. How many cities were captured by Taliban under Trump? Did Trump abandon Americans in Afghanistan and hand $90 billion worth of equipment to the Taliban? Nope that was your idiot Biden. You must be part of the idiot 36% that thinks Bididiot is doing a good job. See you in November.
I have verifiable evidence that not 1 illegal alien has entered the USA since biden has been president.
It’s all bold face lies by rush Limbaugh who is still alive and hiding in trumps palace in Florida .
And since I live in Florida every person here is still wearing a mask 😷.
Anyone including AOC who says Florida is free is a liar . Every Floridian must wear a mask 😷 or face immediate arrest , including a trans Mickey Mouse.
Under Biden, the number of Americans employed has increased by 8 million after dropping by 3 million under Trump. Also, the unemployment rate is 3.6%. I'd call that pretty good!
haahhahaahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahha. puff puff give
seek help
Trump created a $6000 increase in median household income in 3 years that Obama could only dream about. Trump also brought more American manufacturing back home than Obama ever did. Trump provided some of the highest wage gains ever seen in American history for blue collar workers. Obama presided over the slowest economic recovery in U.S. history. American industry found a work around Obama's America Last policies.
Trump increased the national debt by $7.8 trillion over 4 years. Also, the number of people employed DECREASED by 3 million during his 4-year term. Both of these stats are unprecedented during a peacetime economy. Do you think that's good? I certainly don't!
I have proof that biden is at 79 % approval rating.
I am in absolute awe of how good things are and the bogus polls saying 78 % of the legal citizens believe the country is on the wrong track.
Absolute 100 % lies by the media .
They have Duracell ambulances 🚑 now , I don’t recommend it as one patient died when they tried to use a Defibrillator and the patients heart ❤️ exploded bc the ambulance batteries went awry.
Because I’m wealthy I donated a state of the art fossil burning Diesel full size 1 ton gas guzzler to ensure no other innocent 😇 patients get zapped to death in a electric futility ambulance 🚑.
You’re welcome 😇
No thanks 🙏 needed
Gene wrote facts. Facts matter. Whatever feces is between your ears doesn't matter.
Black face ?
Not nice Dave 187
You are simply a bald faced liar.
Couple quarts short of a gallon aren't you? Get out of your mom's basement and go get a job.
Biden killed American service members along with 90 Afghanis in his shambolic retreat from that country. Then the idiot droned innocent Afghanis in a flailing retaliatory strike. Guess you think that was a "good job"? You must be one of the fools working in his administration. How are those inflated gas prices working out for you courtesy of President Ten-Percent? Get a MyPillow so you can cry into it come November, Hunter. Lol!
He’s a bot , a angry 😡 bot as he’s a paid instigator as well
I am still surprised that fox has high ratings.
Another lie by the Washington post .
And yes biden is at 78 % approval .
I can factually prove that .
You’re welcome 😇
No thanks 🙏 needed
My pillow is no longer in business , that’s a fact .
And it’s completely true that not 1 illegal alien has crossed the border in 14 months . Not 1
You’re welcome 😇
No thanks 🙏 needed
187 Davy, where you been hiding. ?
Delusion on your part. How many cities were captured by Taliban under Trump? Did Trump abandon Americans in Afghanistan and hand $90 billion worth of equipment to the Taliban? Nope that was your idiot Biden. You must be part of the idiot 36% that thinks Bididiot is doing a good job. See you in November.
I remember trump going to Chelsea Clinton’s wedding .
You’re welcome 😇
No thanks 🙏 needed
You should see bidens real poll numbers .
89 % approval, and that is 100 % accurate .
You’re welcome 😇
I have verifiable evidence that not 1 illegal alien has entered the USA since biden has been president.
It’s all bold face lies by rush Limbaugh who is still alive and hiding in trumps palace in Florida .
And since I live in Florida every person here is still wearing a mask 😷.
Anyone including AOC who says Florida is free is a liar . Every Floridian must wear a mask 😷 or face immediate arrest , including a trans Mickey Mouse.
I can factually prove that .
You’re welcome 😇
No thanks 🙏 needed
biden has the best mask 😷
Money can buy .
I watched him at his 3 pm taping of the tonight show with Johnny Carson .
I can factually prove the jimmy Kimmel who hosted the Man show was a impersonator .
Their is no difference between a man or a woman .
And yes I can price that a man can get pregnant 🫄.
I have a avatar to prove it .
You’re welcome 😇
No thanks 🙏 needed
Hi Dave 187 , how’s joe ?
87 % approval. That’s factually correct
You really need to lay off that glue.
Did you know president Trump secretly voted in the recall of the DA. In the very liberal city of San Francisco.
He disguised himself 890,000 times to ensure the defeat of a democratic DA .
It’s the only possible explanation of a far left wing politician to lose in the most liberal city in North America.
Please read my blog at
You’re welcome 😇
No thanks 🙏 needed
I read that genie 🧞♀️ is not a real name ? Hmmmm
Is that you Dave 187
Which Cabinet office are you interviewing for? You’ll fit right in.
Biden walked boldly into this mess of his creation. Now let him walk back.
Under Biden, the number of Americans employed has increased by 8 million after dropping by 3 million under Trump. Also, the unemployment rate is 3.6%. I'd call that pretty good!