Mr. Whiton, excuse me, and excuse me, AGAIN, but you are in the swamp over your eyeballs when it comes to calling the future president of the USA. . . . . .USELESS.

She did not fail the Fox interview, and the only reason the handlers cut it short was Bret Baier could not handle her coherent answers - a quantum leap away from the utter chaos that represents FOX view of reality.

I cannot avoid hearing the sound of many axes being ground here, all the more to given even one shred of credit to giving Harris an open, unbiased, and clear platform to explain her policies. There was not the slightest chance of that happening considering FOX, and Baier, already started the interview with their agenda in full view.

Your comments are just tripe, vituperative drivel that smacks of vitriol and some totally made-up smoke screen to cover the cretin that represents the Republican Party in this election. It is going to be the same ole, same ole right down to the wire on the 5th, and the crash will be heard around the world.

Put your seat belt on, as your silly article about the Harris interview has no merit.

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Delusional. Fox gave her a chance to answer basic questions on policy and Harris was antagonistic and incoherent with every word that fell out of her mouth. How dare Baier do his job and try and get policy answers from her while all the other media lapdogs pant round her. The democrats despise the voters, at least the half of the country that doesn't follow their orders, and this has been on full display from Biden to Harris, and all in-between. Her antagonism was a Big FU to the voters: I will not tell you anything, worthless peasants.

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Martin, you must have seen a different interview from the one that occurred on planet Earth. In the real interview, Harris evaded every question and turned it into a rant against Trump. “How do you like the weather, Madam Vice-President?” Answer: “We had great weather when I was growing up in my middle-class family, but Donald Trump ruined that when he ….”

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You have to ignore a lot of awful shit to support Trump.

He’s a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and a traitor that tried to overthrow a legally certified election.

He inherited a great situation from Obama and left a horrific mess with thousands dying every day and a cratered economy.

She has run a great campaign on short notice. She has real policies, not concepts of a plan.

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What a load of rubbish.

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I am sorry you are unable to accept the truth.

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No, Brad, your repetition of Democrat talking points is not “the truth.” The un-American use of the courts to criminalize a political opponent repulse those of us who believe in an honest judiciary. That is why the voters have ignored your contrived “convicted felon” blather and will vote Trump into office on November 4. That’s the truth.

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Underling Michael Cohen was prosecuted for the same exact crime by the Trump DOJ. Trump was the mastermind of the crime. He damn well deserved to be prosecuted just like Cohen was. Did you not know that?

You have to admit Trump is stupid.

Poor Trump used a pay off to a porn star as a business expense. 🤦🤣

Poor Trump said E Jean wasn't his type. Then under oath he confused her with his second wife. 🤦🤣

The fucking idiot lost the defamation case and then immediately defamed her again and lost much worse. 🤦🤣

You've put a shitty politician ahead of your country. It's 4 years later and still no evidence of fraud. You got lied to and taken for a sucker. Over 200 years of the democratic process and peaceful transfer of power tossed away. You've chosen not to respect American voters, just because they chose another candidate.🖕🤡

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None of those are Democratic party talking points.

Trump is a convicted felon under the law. Trump was adjudicated as a rapist in a court of law.

Trump violated multiple laws on J6. He tried to subvert the American democratic process and peaceful transfer of power. There are no excuses for those CRIMES.

Trump stood by while a woman was shot, his followers committed violent felonies, and about 140 Capitol Police were injured. More people died later. He incited violence against VP Pence. Don't ever say you support the Police or law and order.

Trump loved the attack on our Capitol. He said to remember it forever. To this day Trump supports the attack. Don't ever pretend you care about America.


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Stay on them Christian, but please leave out indirect reference to her sex life. Not helpful when men use the non-sexual buddy system to elevate unqualified males. I'm also old enough to remember the too often male managers playing handsy and pushing for sexual favors on the job, but I also remember the decent men that sometimes intervened. The Bush head of FEMA, "Brownie," is a prime example (of many on both sides) of a not-too-bright and not qualified male (he ran a local horse show once) in a top job. I'm a hardline feminist, retired USN chief, wife and mother, and small farmer, and I'm more qualified and could have done a better job than Brownie. I could have also given rational answers to the voters during the Baier interview, unlike the useless Harris. You were spot on. I've been an independent my entire 63 years, voting across the aisle, until last year. I would now vote for a blade of grass before I'll ever vote for a democrat. Go after all the attacks on just about every demographic (children, parental rights, families, women, small businesses, gays and lesbians, men, blacks, whites, Asians, etc., etc.) that the dems and Harris have carried out, creating the chaos they dearly wish. What terrifies the dems and never-Trump republicans most is US citizens uniting, and this is what started to happen under Trump. United we jam the gears that pit people against each other and the pols would actually have to campaign on how they will make life better for all of us.

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“Virtually all of her senior staff departed rapidly in her term….” Or, as Greg Gutfeld noted, “More turnover than the Titanic.”

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How ironic. As if Trump didn't have massive turnover. 🤦🤣

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