He has to bring them heal...immediately. regardless of what he says publcly

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My view is DC was already going and Trump merely the Usher of the New Deal’s collapse.

The Dems are not wrong, the contracting of our unnatural to us over centralization in DC will be very rough and probably bloody. Every National institution and program is tied to DC, above all our currency The Dollar.

For Trump to make a deal with the Deep State the State must exist in Depth… and it is as old and decrepit as Biden.

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This author is nuts. I’m a hyper-conservative. I’ve never voted for a single Democrat in my life and never will. But how can you address the budget deficit without considering SS and Medicare (and Medicaid)? If you understand simple math, you know what I’m saying. This article is childish for this and a number of other reasons. Shame on the author for simplistic and ignorant pandering. Let Clarence Thomas (a true hero!) retire or stay on the court. I only hope I didn’t increase readership to this imbecilic post by responding. This is not conservatism—this is infantile pandering to idiots.

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Best possible way to lose the House and Senate - IF we get them - is to attack SS and Medicare. Yeah, their unfunded liabilities are huge - over $200T - but attacking them now in advance, or proposing anything not discussed nationally over time is just dumb.

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Clarence Thomas as AG would be amazing!

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I'd like to think we could forgive, forget and move on, if Trump regains the White House. But we saw how that works out with the Tea Party/IRS scandal. The deep state only lays in wait for it's next chance to come back at you times ten. So, the people who were out of line against Trump, they need to face legal, nonviolent professional destruction. Complete professional destruction. If it were up to me, our side should adopt the Pomerantz "The People vs Donald Trump" book as our operating manual. First identify the target, then search for the crime. Stretch the law to it's max. Apply maximal pressure to get any associates of the targets to flip. Turnabout is fair play. So a lot of people need to be, legally and in a completely non-violent manner, taken off the gameboard. Lawfare is fair play, for these slimeballs.

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Trump should start moving much of the government out of the cesspool that is DC and spread offices across the country. Start with moving the Pentagon to Iowa, the DOJ to North Dakota, Supreme Court of Tennessee, etc.

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It is not enough to simply fire the revolutionaries in your government. Ask the white Russians and House of Bourbon about that. You remove the threat, and if necessary, the friends and family of that threat. Not violently, of course. Violence is always wrong, in case any federally-employed eyes are reading.

But if they were to end up handcuffed on a private flight to Russia, who I'm sure would love to prosecute them for various things in Ukraine, well...that would certainly be a permanent solution.

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violence is not always wrong. No serious matter ever has been fixed other than via violence. Slavery, independence, stopping NAZI Germany and Imperial Japan... It is when the opponent KNOWS violence is not on the agenda that bad things happen. Like BLM and Antifa in the streets burning down cities when they KNOW no D mayor will stop them...

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Violence is always wrong when eyes belonging to people who want you imprisoned or dead may be reading your posts.

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He needs to make a speech about limited government, and point to the enumerated powers and all the things Congress and the feds today are doing that are flat-out unconstitutional: Marriage, bathrooms, abortion, sports, foreign aid, education, FBI, ATF ("General Police Powers" are reserved, not delegated), ... and put some juice back into the 10th Amendment. Forcing 10A discussion onto congress, calling-out the governors for not keeping the feds in the box CREATED BY THE STATES, and telling Congress he just isn't going to do stuff outside the constitutional authority - and neither are they - is the best way to drain the swamp. All else is just nattering around the edges.

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Rip and tear Bruno!!! I would go as far as to disband the FBI entirely. Replace every one of them with a new, hand-picked "Secret Police" much like the Brown-Shirts, aligned to the Executive Brach through Executive Order... Have them exact the reckoning that America wants and needs. Use them hunt the Epstein Johns, arrest Soros, arrest Hillary, Obama and the Biden after we raid their attorney's offices and spend two-four years searching for crimes committed by the Clinton Foundation, The Biden Crime Family for quid-pro-quo and Chinese bribery scandals, etc.

You missed gutting the CIA, IRS , DHS and DOJ... gut them to the core.

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Rip and tear Bruno!!! I would go as far as to disband the FBI entirely. Replace every one of them with a new, hand-picked "Secret Police" much like the Brown-Shirts, aligned to the Executive Brach through Executive Order... Have them exact the reckoning that America wants and needs. Use them hunt the Epstein Johns, arrest Soros, arrest Hillary, Obama and the Biden after we raid their attorney's offices and spend two-four years searching for crimes committed by the Clinton Foundation, The Biden Crime Family for quid-pro-quo and Chinese bribery scandals, etc.

You missed gutting the CIA, IRS , DHS and DOJ... gut them to the core. And don't forget the public hanging of Fauci. We need the gallows returned to Capital Hill.

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Rip and tear Bruno!!! I would go as far as to disband the FBI entirely. Replace every one of them with a new, hand-picked "Secret Police" much like the Brown-Shirts, aligned to the Executive Brach through Executive Order... Have them exact the reckoning that America wants and needs. Use them hunt the Epstein Johns, arrest Soros, arrest Hillary, Obama and the Biden after we raid their attorney's offices and spend two-four years searching for crimes committed by the Clinton Foundation, The Biden Crime Family for quid-pro-quo and Chinese bribery scandals, etc.

You missed gutting the CIA, IRS , DHS and DOJ... gut them to the core.

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