For the second time in two months, a would-be assassin has attempted to kill former President Trump, the Republican nominee for president who is within sight of victory against progressive Vice President Kamala Harris in the race to succeed President Joe Biden.
On Sunday evening, a career criminal named Ryan Routh allegedly lay in wait to shoot Trump on a golf course before he was engaged and fired upon by Secret Service agents.
Routh was reportedly an enthusiast for the cause of Ukraine, which is engaged in what is basically a civil war between Russia and Russia junior. While early reports are choppy, like many on the old left and right, Routh appeared to be deranged and hysterical about Ukraine and unable to comprehend efforts like those undertaken by Trump to place American interests ahead of Ukraine or Russia, and express caution about a third world war. One report says Routh traveled to Ukraine to attempt to fight for Kiev.
In reality, the conflict in Ukraine is one in which no definable vital U.S. interests exist, but where the failed U.S. national security establishment, including denizens of both parties, advocate increasingly unrestricted war against Russia, which has the world’s biggest nuclear arsenal, using both American weapons and targeting information.
Recently, the national security blob has advanced Kiev’s demand for weapons to strike deeper into Russia, despite no declaration of war against Moscow or serious debate on the matter and its consequences. The war has also added $10-20 per barrel to the price of oil through sanctions on Russia, which inflates the cost of energy for Americans and gives a big discount to counties such as China, India, and Brazil that decline to replicate the sanctions.
The assassination attempt comes on the heels of an assassination attempt in July when a gunman was able to shoot Trump in the head but not fatally. The public has been told little about that gunman’s motivation, despite the FBI supposedly gaining access to his phone and other information about his views and background. Was he also a self-appointed agent of Ukraine? The lack of public information begs the question. The silence about his motives is deafening.
It would not be the first or second time Ukraine had tried to take down Trump. While he was president, Alex Vindman, the Fat Colonel, tried to undermine Trump and democracy from his perch on the National Security Council staff. The Ukrainian-born Army officer, who like his brother, Yevgeny "Eugene" Vindman, inexplicably worked as a detailee from the Pentagon at the Trump White House, colluded to impeach Trump for merely seeking to curb corruption in Ukraine.
Unlike his predecessor, Barack Obama, Trump had ordered that lethal arms be provided to Ukraine to deter Russia from invasion. But also unlike Obama, Trump insisted on curbs to rampant corruption in Ukraine, which has become increasingly authoritarian. This was too much for the Fat Colonel, who testified against Trump in his phony impeachment trial—an act of treachery for which President Franklin Roosevelt would have an Army officer arrested and President Abraham Lincoln would have an Army officer shot.
Defending Ukraine has little to do with the security of Europe, much less the United States. Despite big talk about spending more on defense in Europe, especially by the Germans, the Europeans have again let the USA foot the bill for their defense. The USA pays about 70 percent of Europe’s defense and Europe also screws the USA on trade, with higher tariffs on U.S. goods than the U.S. government applies to European imports.
Congressional Republicans have been just as bad as Democrats in supporting Ukraine, which is basically a globalist, America-last, Europe-first project. Instead of increasing defenses in the Pacific to deter war with China, they have voted more than $175 billion in handouts for Ukraine. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell once apologized to Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelenskyy for a delay in the latest tranche in congressional handouts and once called them the “most important” matter for the nation, ahead of the flagging U.S. economy and illegal immigration crisis.
“Republican” Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, a useless placeholder whom President Trump should get fired on day one of an administration if he wins, colluded with Democrats last April against his fellow Republicans to pass the last Biden-supported tranche of aid for Ukraine amounting to $61 billion. He only got it passed by tying to it to aid to Israel and misleadingly labeling it as “aid to Taiwan” that will never actually go to Taiwan.
What could that massive amount of money do for your community? Or what good what it have accomplished if it had not been taken from the productive private sector and given to a foreign government?
If elected, Trump needs to drop the hammer. He should use his constitutional authority as commander in chief of the armed forces to halt aid to Ukraine and cancel dispatches of U.S. forces to European NATO until it steps up to foot the bill for Ukraine. Not only should he seek a deal with Russia to end the war, he should go full bore and drop sanctions on Russia as part of the deal. Not only will that end the stupid practice of pushing Russia into the arms of China and Iran, it will also provide much needed relief to Americans who are paying higher prices for energy (which drive higher prices on food and all other items).
Ukraine, its corrupt government, its lobbyists, its useful idiots in Congress, and its self-appointed assassins have done enough to harm Trump and the popular impulse he represents—as well as the national security interests of the United States. They are not the good guys. Neither are the Russians, which is why the USA should look out for its own interests. Trump should make doing so a bedrock of a second-term America First foreign policy.
Lieutenant Colonel "Sanders" was born in Ukraine. Everyone makes a big deal about a certain group of people being "dual citizens" - ladies and gentlemen I give you Alexander "Where's the buffet?" Vindman. There is a reason he did what he did, and it's plainly obvious. It's treason against half of his citizenship and 'action' for the other.
"Europeans have again let the USA foot the bill for their defense"
Except Poland, which last year signed massive arms procurement deals including 1,000 K2 tanks from South Korea and 300 M1 tanks from the US. That puts Poland on track to have a tank force **twice** the size of Germany, France, UK combined.