Kamala Biffs as Trump Gains Footing
It’s the Stupidity Stupid. Plus: Ruby Ridge 32 years later.
Despite the amusing media hoopla, the Democrat convention was plainly a failure. It should have tried to paint Kamala Harris, the DEI veep and Democrat nominee, as a moderate with practical solutions to inflation, economic stagnation, illegals, and humiliation of the USA on the world stage.
It achieved none of those goals in part because it attempted none.
Instead, we the people were inveighed to support Kamala because of the “joy” she imbues.
That’s a good one. At the supermarket, I’ll try to pay for a steak with joy instead of the outrageous fifteen bucks it now costs and see how that goes.
Without an ostensible surge coming out of their solution-free convention, Democrats are in a tough position. Kamala refuses to do serious media interviews or press conferences. This is a downside to the Democrats having caged the corporate media on their plantation: they don’t know how to think on their feet and they don’t think they have to.
When I lived in West Hollywood as a right-wing capitalist gay, I was familiar with this phenomenon: Democrats who don’t know how to debate because they never have to. (I suppose the opposite is true for conservatives who live in, say, Orem, Utah.) When they inevitably lose arguments for lack of practice, they begin emoting spasmodically. Similarly, the result in this instance was a convention filled with meaningless bromides, slogans, and emoting weirdos.
Democrat strategist James Carville famously targeted George H. W. Bush with the phrase, “It’s the economy stupid.”
Adapting this to target Kamala could be: “It’s the stupidity stupid.”
Why hasn’t Kamala even done friendly interviews from the lapdog media? Surely, she could get through ten minutes with fan boys like CNN’s sad, dumpy Jake Tapper or MSNBC’s ossified, desiccated Andrea Mitchell? It might be that no amount of preparation or planted softball questions will lead to a better result than avoiding the press and associated criticism for cowardice. In the same way I cannot be trained to be a pro basketball player regardless of the time and resources available, Kamala may simply not have what it takes to operate on a presidential level no matter how much coaching and practice she receives. She may be too stupid for the job—a performing seal who can speak sounds but not really understand how they relate to policy or the real world.
For all of the media hullabaloo about a Harris surge in the polls after Democrats performed one of their beloved late-term abortions on Biden’s reelection, evidence is lacking. She did receive a bump from the low point at which Joe Biden found himself after his debate failure, but she has yet to pull ahead decisively in key swing states. For example, according to RealClearPolitics compilations, Trump still narrowly leads every recent poll in Pennsylvania, without which Democrats cannot hold the presidency.
Then there are the anecdotes. Despite the phony enthusiasm for Kamala that the media has dutifully staged, this affinity simply does not exist in the real world. In my liberal ski town in Colorado, when I park my Subaru next to ten other Subarus on the way to yoga class, I see not a single Harris bumper sticker. It doesn’t mean liberals will vote for Trump, but many traditional Democrat voters sense that Kamala is pointless. She commands nothing like the enthusiasm for Barack Obama or even Hillary Clinton. Her much-ballyhooed vice presidential nominee is a creep lacking only an adult Boy Scouts uniform to perfect his personage as the ostensibly respectable guy who turns out to be a child molester. Trump remains the “blackest” candidate on the national stage who will bear any burden and fight against a deck that has been so obviously stacked against him, if only because he must. That situation is relatable to more Americans that the “joy” of Kama-lama-ding-dong.
Trump Recovers?
Trump recently expanded the number of gatekeepers at the top of his campaign, growing beyond Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita to now include Trump campaign veterans Corey Lewandowski and Tim Murtaugh. The hope and goal is to let Trump be Trump. Why not?
After a delay, Trump named Linda McMahon of the America First Policy Institute to lead his presidential transition—an effort both parties now undertake with federal support between the conventions and the election and inauguration. This is an excellent decision by Trump. By Monday, federal funds for the transition team will be released and McMahon can start submitting names to the FBI to be cleared and ready to enter government on the afternoon of inauguration day should Trump win. Our spies also report that McMahon is a candidate for White House chief of staff—which would be a radical improvement over preening four-star bureaucrats like John Kelly who held the role during Trump One.
Take a look below at a Google News search about a Trump press conference before the Democrat convention. Every story is negative and every outlet is liberal. This is the reality of Big Tech’s censorship and collusion with the Democrats and a reminder that Trump failed to control and regulate Big Tech in his term. For example, Google should be broken up, forced out of its near-monopoly positions in search and mobile advertising, sued for intellectual property theft under the guise of AI, banned from government contracts, subjected to a fairness requirement, and taxed severely given its employees apparent love of taxing the “rich.” So too should the rest of the corporate media-tech apparatus. But Google’s bosses can be assured that none of this will happen since that would require a Republican administration that actually gets policy and knows how to govern. The pinkos of Silicon Valley can sleep well regardless of what happens in November.
However, the big story still seeps through the lies. Trump is willing to mix it up with reporters, both unfriendly and slightly-less-unfriendly, while Kamala reads passages about joy from her teleprompter.
Team Trump was caught off guard by Kamala. They still haven’t honed the attack message down to a few simple messages, and have had trouble landing solid punches. “Drill baby drill” and its promise to unleash U.S. energy production and bring down costs is part of a solution to inflation but hardly a clear and simple explanation of economic and fiscal plans.
But Trump is getting his sea legs back simply because he is out there as a man in arena just about every single day. (He’s been subject to multiple phony prosecutions and an assassination attempt, so we can cut him some slack.) Soon he will tighten up the ship further as he did in 2016, when he connected with voters on an emotional level and blew past the lying media.
Options for tighter messages include: Kamala’s handouts will drive more inflation and bankrupt America, her open-border policy will destroy the American dream, especially for blacks, and that more of Biden-Harris foreign policy will eventually lead to a lot of Americans being killed by Chicoms, Iranians, and jihadists.
Trump can throw in that she is the epitome of DEI, which harms Asians, Jews, and middle-class whites in particular, but also hard-working Americans of any racial background. Hang the deficit and looming fiscal crisis and necessary cuts to government (including the military) on the Democrats’ overspending on green nonsense, handouts for illegals, and payments to poorly-run blue states. Government spending can actually be returned to sanity without any cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
Simplify. Continue to entertain. Speak your mind. Attack the lying media. The election looks like it is on the razor’s edge today, but it could break decisively for Trump, especially in the Electoral College (and boy do Dems hate the concept that the election is one of fifty states and one ghetto called the District of Columbia, rather than a national popular election). The House and Senate should follow the winner of the top of the ballot. Then hold on for utter chaos during a second Trump transition and administration, but it will be much preferable to the last four years or even worse—four years and the even bigger disasters that stupid Kamala would precipitate.
Endless Wars

According to establishment press like the Wall Street Journal, whose news division is run by an English wet, Emma Tucker, who is ruining the paper, Ukraine should have won by this point, defeating Russia and precipitating the collapse of Vladimir Putin’s government. Could transgender pride parades in Moscow be far behind?
Alas, there is no chance of ending the brutal war in Ukraine before a new U.S. president is elected. The Biden-Harris administration doesn’t understand that diplomacy sometimes means talking to unpleasant people one opposes. (Luckily Eisenhower and Nixon didn’t have this problem, or we’d still be fighting in Korea and Vietnam.) Biden and Harris aides are also failing in Gaza, where they appear intent on turning the region into another Lebanon—a geography controlled by American-killing Iranians and other jihadists. I discussed these and other problems on the world stage in the enclosed clip on Varney and Company (link above).
Ruby Ridge

Late August brings the 32nd anniversary of the government massacre at Ruby Ridge in Idaho. Don’t think that quite everyone has forgotten that the FBI shot and killed an unarmed mother, Vicki Weaver, as she held her 10-month-old daughter. As she died falling to ground, Vicki cradled her daughter as long as possible.
Federal agents also killed the 14-year-old son and dog of an entrapped target of a criminal investigation—admittedly a weirdo. Why does this matter today?
First of all, Idaho’s governor at the time was a Democrat—the last since then and hopefully forever. Meanwhile, the FBI, which used to be hated only by the radical 1960s left is today running out of allies across the political spectrum. A line from Full Metal Jacket (1987) comes to mind: “You’re fresh out of friends.” The bureau and similar federal agencies, were once revered by conservatives and even old-line Democrats like the Kennedys. This loss of confidence is a big deal. The FBI is so important that is has never been run by a Democrat in its more than century of existence.
Would a Trump administration—and a Congress whose only real power is the power of the purse to cut funds from ineffective or recalcitrant government projects—control this and other elements of America’s sprawling secret police? Doubtful but not impossible. There’s only one way to find out if they can.
Simon and Whiton
Simon and Whiton will return
The Harris campaign could rightfully be labeled as the Seinfeld campaign - it’s about nothing! Kamalama Ding Dong can’t hide her lack of intellectual acuity whenever she has to speak without a script. Stupid is as stupid does…. 😵💫😵💫🤪🤪
"Team Trump was caught off guard by Kamala"
Actually Trump made public comments in Feb 2024 that Biden would not make it to the starting gate in this election. Reportedly the campaign had prepared memos by May on how to deal with Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket.
There has been a lethargic ill-planned response, including the name-calling, that is a litany of wasted opportunities. Similar ones happened in 2016 but the campaign turned around in time. Between economy, inflation, southern border illegal crossings, gender/culture weirdness, there's more than enough material. No need to look elsewhere.
If the composed, disciplined Trump from the June 27 presidential debate rejoins the battle, he will overcome all obstacles and win.