Kamala Harris, the DEI veep, today chose Tim Walz to be her running mate. Walz is governor of liberal Minnesota. The move means former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Senator J.D. Vance, will face the most progressive Democrat ticket in history.
Unlike Harris, who has accomplished little other than an uncontrolled southern border, Walz is a governor and has a record of governance. His accomplishments include letting Black Lives Matter rioters run roughshod for several days before finally calling in the National Guard. As Walz let Minneapolis burn, Harris was busying herself raising money to get rioters out of jail to continue the terror. The two have a lot in common.
Walz enacted prolonged school closure and remote “learning” over several years and then lied about it, saying students missed little classroom time.
He lived in China, which probably prepared him to knuckle under for the government teachers’ unions. Maybe Chinese governance also inspired him to set up a hotline for people to snitch on their neighbors for not wearing masks, which Walz did in 2020.
The media crows that Walz is a champion of “gender-affirming care” to use the modern Orwellian parlance for sex-change drugs and irreversible surgical operations. Walz signed an order making Minnesota a “trans refuge state,” and signed a law to ensure children from Minnesota and other states can obtain transgender “therapy” including irreversible surgery. Walz’s law also provides sanctuary to “healthcare providers” who operate on children in other states and flee law-enforcement to Minnesota.
Walz favors late-term abortion up to the point of birth. On New Year’s Eve 2023, he signed an abortion law that specifically rejected Republican attempts to prevent third-trimester abortion limitations favored by the vast majority of voters.
Walz also proposed big tax hikes on investment and blew through a budget surplus that stemmed from Biden-Harris federal government handouts. He signed a bill that increases the gas tax every year for perpetuity. He also supported all of the Biden-Harris big government spending that caused the inflation that has robbed 30 percent of Americans’ purchasing power and savings.
Why the move by Harris to choose someone who reinforces her own unpopular progressive views? Apparently the two just hit it off, with a “Democratic operative” telling CNN: “The chemistry was really important to Harris and it really clicked for both of them.” Basically, she found a fellow pinko beta male who doesn’t intimidate her. More accomplished governors like Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro might not have been as craven to the management-challenged veep, and Shapiro’s Jewishness just didn’t fly with the Democrat base. As the “operative” told CNN: “…the Harris campaign, like all of us, saw how energizing Walz was for the base.”
I’ll bet.
Will it Work?
By the conventional rules of politics, the Harris-Biden ticket should go down in flames. It is the most woke and progressive ticket in history. Harris is personally obnoxious. Only 25 percent of Americans think the country is on the “right track.” The public is furious with inflation and the economy overall, plus the one issue Harris was in charge of: the border.
But Trump has the unique capacity not only to win unexpectedly, but conversely to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He won in 2016 and then effectively lost the subsequent three general elections.
Trump’s high-water mark was the GOP convention, just after being shot by a would-be assassin. His convention speech was long and rambling, which was unfortunate but can be forgiven in the wake of historic events in the months, weeks, and days leading to his nomination, including attempts to bankrupt, incarcerate, and kill the man.
Since then, Democrats have had the initiative. Replacing President Joe Biden with Harris may have validated the media’s dishonesty about Biden’s retarded mental acuity and the undemocratic nature of the Democrat Party, but no matter: they’re getting a do-over.
Amid media adulation over Harris, Trump dove into the issue of race. A coherent, fact-based debate about anti-American DEI policies, of which Harris is the ultimate personification, could have been a valuable culture war addition to the campaign. Instead, Trump questioned whether the biracial Harris was black. Bold, sloppy, and ultimately pretty pointless.
Then came the Atlanta rally. That Trump has made usually red Georgia a swing state is an eighth wonder of the world. He devoted an extended part of his remarks in Atlanta to attacking Georgia’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, for being unhelpful during the 2020 election, about which most voters no longer care. Despite opposition by Trump, Kemp won his subsequent primary by 74-22 percent and then was returned by Georgians to the governor’s mansion by 7.5 percent margin over his Democrat opponent. Kemp is in his second and therefore final term—literally at the end of his political career. Who cares about Brian Kemp? Apparently Trump does. Trump’s sometimes-controlled obsession with relitigating 2020 as opposed to winning under new voting rules that aren’t going away (early voting starts imminently in some states) is boring. Even the fans standing behind Trump on the stage in Atlanta looked bored.
In an excellent article in American Greatness, Victor Davis Hanson politely advised a floundering campaign to avoid “tempting but dead-end Trump targets.” He suggested:
Trump must not only use characteristic broad adjectives for Biden and Harris, such as “disaster,” “terrible,” or “horrible,” but simply pepper Harris with what Biden actually did and her role in it. Don’t describe Harris as a disaster, but communicate in exactly what way and precisely how in her own words. And there are 30 years of her extreme advocacies to make that case.
There is reason for alarm. The blitz by Harris’s handmaidens in the media has had an effect. She has taken the lead in the RealClearPolitics compilation of national polls. Looking at the Electoral College, Harris has narrowed or reversed Trump leads in several swing states. For now, a saving grace is that Trump still leads narrowly in Pennsylvania, without which Democrats cannot win. Trump also has a narrow average lead in Georgia, without which Republicans cannot win.
PredictIt betting markets have now switched and have Harris winning with payouts indicating a 56 percent probability of victory.
Now, the rest of this week will be filled with media adulation for Walz and the supposed brilliance of Harris’s choice.
The week after next will be dominated by the Democratic National Convention. By skipping Shapiro and choosing Walz, plus given her own soft-on-jihadists statements, Harris may have sidestepped any open rift at the convention over Israel. Democrats once known for a trademark lack of discipline may just pull it together out of sheer lust for power and opposition to Trump. Maybe they will even reprise the smoke-and-mirrors show they pulled off in 1992 to conceal the lefty policies and tax-and-spend budgets Bill Clinton was about to unleash. Pat Buchanan summed it up well at the GOP convention the following month:
Like many of you last month, I watched that giant masquerade ball at Madison Square Garden—where 20,000 radicals and liberals came dressed up as moderates and centrists—in the greatest single exhibition of cross-dressing in American political history.
Only Trump himself can break through this ongoing media blockade—abetted by Big Tech (when was the last time Google News offered up a non-liberal media outlet to a news search?). But doing so will require discipline and time is short. While the election technically is November 5, a large portion of Americans will begin casting ballots much sooner.
Honest question: Is there actually a Trump campaign or is it just Trump and Vance? Who are his official press surrogates? Who is the campaign’s chairman and what is the GOP plan to stimulate voter turnout, especially early voting? What are the top three policies Trump will enact? What can he accomplish by executive authority promptly and what will he usher through a hopefully Republican-run Congress? He can say China, Iran, and Russia would not have acted aggressively had he been president, but what will he actually do in the future to reverse the decline in American national security?
In the aforementioned article, Victor Davis Hanson aptly describes Harris’s “innate silliness and her extreme record.” Her candidacy ought to be a gift to Republicans—reinforced by her choice today of woke shutdownista as a running mate. But given the deck stacked against Trump and Republicans, it will take extreme focus and energy to win as the electorate begins voting.
Spot on situation report by Christian.
"Walz...signed a law to ensure children from Minnesota and other states can obtain transgender “therapy” including irreversible surgery." Children don't obtain mutilating surgery, adult sociopaths manipulating children are behind the laws allowing this abuse. Trump, Vance and the campaign operatives need to pull their heads out of their rear ends, stop the juvenile name-calling Harris and petty grudge attacking of Kemp, and start talking about the records of both Harris and Walz.