Dem Politburo Defaulting Back to Biden to Avert Kamala Disaster?
Without Trump and New Right, GOP would face same annihilation as UK Tories
President Joe Biden failed on Friday night to alleviate concern among panicking Democrats about his fitness for office or his chance of pulling his reelection campaign out of a tailspin. And yet, while anything can happen in this most unconventional of campaigns, the Democrats’ equivalent of the Politburo—the leftwing powers that be among White House staff who are running the government, the Obamas, donors, and media—showed some nascent signs it might be resigned to sticking with the dotard president.
Biden sat for an interview with ABC’s George “Stephy” Stephanopoulos who rose to adequacy in Bill Clinton’s campaign’s war room, went on to be one of the more left-leaning voices in Bubba’s White House, and later became a pretend journalist. Biden could hardly have asked for a more sympathetic interviewer. Despite this, Biden was again befuddled and cognitively impaired.
Biden struggled to remember the easiest and most well-worn of his talking points. Dropping into his weird whisper, Biden claimed he was “the guy who shot [Russian President] Putin down.” He raised the issue of computer chips but trailed off into undecipherable babble. He repeatedly lost his train of thought.

Refusing Stephy’s suggestion of an independent test of his mental faculties, he fell back repeatedly on the dumb line that, “I have a cognitive test every day.”
Indeed he does.
Biden cited as proof of his mental awareness that he spoke on the phone to congratulate the new British prime minister, Keir Starmer, and also talked with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. Biden and Netanyahu hate each other’s guts, so perhaps it was invigorating.
Earlier in the day, the White House media machine tried to convince reporters that Biden was active and engaged in the 30-minute call with Netanyahu, mastering the details of whatever the latest maneuver his people are attempting unsuccessfully with Hamas, while remaining similarly alert during an expanded 90-minute meeting with his national security team. And yet peace in the Middle East remains elusive.
Is any of this enough to convince Dem poohbahs that comprise their party’s informal Politburo to unsee what everyone saw in Biden’s debate last week with Trump? Possibly. Here are the factors at play:
Biden must voluntarily decide to step aside as he controls the overwhelming majority of Democrat delegates, who are legally bound to vote for him if he remains in the race.
Biden’s family, including his elder-abusing wife, Jill Biden, and the other grifters of his family, realize their grift is over if Biden bows out. They would have to begin planning presidential pardons and a jarring transition to lives not built around peddling Biden’s power. Biden will have to lie repeatedly whenever asked if he is planning such pardons after the election.
Jill Biden personally hates Vice President Kamala Harris for playing the race card against Joe in the 2020 primary, when she pretended personal injury from his mild hesitancy in the 1970s over forced bussing of schoolchildren to effect racial integration—a policy forced by judicial activism that was hated by Americans of all ethnic backgrounds and annihilated what was left of the New Deal coalition. Jill does not want to see power handed to Kama-lama-ding-dong, nor lose it herself.
All of the activists around Biden in the White House and throughout his cabinet agencies—the people who caused 30 percent inflation in his term, humiliated America abroad, and identified the party as chiefly a vehicle for DEI-woke activism, late-term abortion, Hamas, and trangenderism, know they will be out, even under a woke, leftwing Harris administration. Harris hates them for hanging her out to dry and blaming the open border and crime wave by illegals on her.
Harris, who learned politics at the knee of California power player Willie Brown, is smart enough to know that leading the ticket that hands the White House back to Trump will end her political career. In recent years, Harris has polled even worse than Biden and might know, deep down, that the aggrieved black woman act (her mother was from India and her father was from Jamaica) won’t get far this year with voters who are enraged at inflation and the open border.
Democrat leaders think that a second Trump term will lead undoubtedly to a Democrat landslide in 2028. By this calculation, it is better to avoid the top of the ticket this year and remain competitive for the next one.
Late-in-the-game switcheroos don’t work. Democrats have had success pulling new faces out of a hat since their better-known Beltway figures become repugnant to voters. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were unknown nationally before their successes in primaries. But these candidates were chosen by voters, not a Politburo, and were on their way to earning the nomination early in the year. A later change like the shift from a weepy Edmund Muskie to crazy George McGovern in 1972, which even then was completed by June and validated by actual primary voters, abetted Richard Nixon’s landslide reelection.
Democrats must calculate who at this point will lose them more congressional seats, Biden or Harris. Harris is a profoundly bad debater and campaigner (and manager) and might cause a greater calamity.
On the golf course earlier this week, Trump predicted Biden would drop out of the race and observed that: “And that means we have Kamala. I think she’s going to better. She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic… Could you imagine [Biden] dealing with Putin and the president of China, who is a fierce person…” This likely was an effort by Trump to goad Biden to remain in the race and it may be effective.
Left-leaning delegates currently pledged to Biden might not take an order from the Politburo to vote for Harris—at least not without extracting something unpalatable. Any switch could put Democrat activists’ voter-repelling support for Hamas and the transgender/DEI agenda front and center.
Alternatives to Harris could not take over funds raised specifically for a Biden-Harris campaign. Were the Politburo to select California Governor Gavin Newsom instead of Harris, the funds could not easily be shifted. Any shift via donating from one organization to another would likely come with a Biden family toll enabling its grifters to be paid lavishly as political consultants.
Repeating the caveat that anything could happen in this unusual election year, we may very well witness the suspension of disbelief by the Politburo because the idea of change at this late stage is just too scary.
Britain shows what Beltway GOP would be without Trump
British voters annihilated the Conservative Party, handing power to Labour, which won its biggest victory since centrist Tony Blair first came to power in 1997. Notably, the party with the third most votes was Reform UK, led by Nigel Farage, which won 14 percent of the vote but will get only four seats in Parliament—one of which will be held by Farage. Nonetheless, with his clear message, communication skill, and popular anti-globalist policies, Farage may become the de facto leader of the opposition.
The Tories’ 14-year run was ineffective and pointless. It would be as if Mitch McConnell were prime minister for a decade and a half. At one point, it featured buffoonish Boris Johnson promising that government central planning and spending justified by the pandemic would entail: “building back greener, building back fairer and building equally and – how should I put it? – in a more gender-neutral and perhaps a more feminine way.”
The Tories also failed to control illegal immigration, allowing Labour to get to the right of them on the issue. Republicans here should understand this reality. It is reflected in newer polling showing that a majority of Americans want all illegal aliens deported. No more nonsense about “dreamers” or nods to an eventual amnesty. Trump gets this. Many Beltway Republicans and globalist voices on the right like the open-border Wall Street/Kiev Journal (also run by a wet Tory import) do not. If voters were rendering a decision this year based on the Beltway GOP rather than Trump, Democrats would win.
The moral of the story is that even amid a Labour surge in the UK that will have them in power for at least five and probably ten years, the New Right and its ideas are ascendant. The de facto global leader of this movement may occupy the White House come January.
......The Biden Record of Misery.......
Biden shuts down oil-rich Anwar
Also shuts down federal leases
$1.72 Gas soars to $5 in a year
Biden wants to force us to EV cars
High Gas pushes inflation to 11%
High inflation soon goes world-wide
3% Mortgages jump to 8%
Car Loans 1.9% now 7.9%
7 Million illegals crossing our border
400,000 Fentanyl deaths up 3000%
Biden more Covid deaths than Trump
Big cities on fire with crime, murder.
Biden policy opens the jails, lets em out
CPI Jan 20 was 1.4% Now 8.6%
CPI Food was 3.7& now 13.5%
CPI Medical was 1.4% now 5.4%
Biden EV car push, now tanking
2020 Oil Independant, not now
Bidens inflation a 40 year high
2 Million people seeking 2nd jobs
..........Need we say more?????
Trump's Record
1) 1.2% Inflation that was holding steady
2) $1.87 Gas on election day and going down
3) Mortgages 3% and holding steady
4) Car Loans 1.99% to 3.99%
5) 6 Israel/Arab Peace Treaties
6) Press conferences everyday, now none
7) Developed fastest vaccine in history
8) Sent 3 fine judges to SCOTUS
9) CPI: Jan 21, 1.4 percent; Aug22, 8.3 %
10) Food CPI Jan21, 3.7% Aug22, 13.5%
11) Medical CPI: Jan21, 1.9% Aug22, 5.4%
12) GDP Trump 5-7% Biden 1.0%
13) Trump oil independant, not now
14) IRA's Trump up 200% Biden down 25%
15) Secure Border wth fence almost done.
Do we need to go further?????????
Kamala - America's first DEI presidential nominee.