Biden-Harris Giveaways to Russia and Terrorists
Lame swap and leniency for 9/11 terrorists aimed to help campaign
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris flailed on the world stage as Democrats try desperately to find some sort of success to boost the DEI veep’s campaign. This use of national security policy to boost a political campaign resulted today in a prisoner swap with the Russians.
Put simply, the Russians won. According to the BBC:
Eight Russian nationals are expected to be returned to Russia, including several with suspected ties to Russian intelligence. One of them is Vadim Krasikov, identified by German officials as a colonel in Russia’s FSB intelligence service, who [was] serving a life sentence for the 2019 murder of a Kremlin opponent in a Berlin Park.
In return, the Russians are releasing Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and U.S. Marine veteran Paul Whelan, among others deemed wrongfully detained by the U.S. government. It is good that the Americans are coming home, but Moscow clearly came out ahead in the deal. Bad actors around the world will take notice.
This deal is nearly as bad as the Biden-Harris decision last year to trade Iran five American hostages for five Iranian agents with a $6 billion sweetener in unfrozen funds for Tehran. The message throughout the Biden-Harris administration is clear: taking Americans hostage is good business. Since that deal, Iran has launched a multi-front war by proxy against Israel, killing many Americans along the way.
But wait, there’s more!
Just yesterday, the Biden-Harris administration announced it had cut deals with the terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks on the United States. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—the principal architect of the hijacking of four planes, subsequent murder of thousands of mostly civilian Americans, and devastation of lower Manhattan and the Pentagon—and his chief accomplices are to be treated as ordinary criminals and will get off with life sentences instead of the death penalties they deserve.
A White House spokesman said, “The president and the White House played no role in this process.” That frankly sounds like a lie, but would be more alarming if true rather than a lie. The buck stops at the White House whether bad decisions made in the executive branch occur as the result of sins of commission or omission. This soft-on-terrorism move probably felt natural for Harris, who was the top prosecutor in San Francisco and then California’s attorney general as the state descended into lawlessness and its cities rotted.
The terrorists were the walking definition of those waging combat in violation of the law of war—they intentionally targeted American civilians and initiated an unprovoked war of aggression against us. The Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations recognized these facts and intended to try them in military tribunals instead of civilian courts. The Pentagon’s failure to complete those tribunals, simply confirm the terrorists’ status as unlawful combatants, and to execute the men in the nearly 23 years since 9/11 does not diminish the public revulsion this leniency should produce.
Back when Democrat presidents had a sense of justice, President Franklin Roosevelt was presssed by his attorney general to try in ordinary court German spies caught in the United States on a sabotage mission in 1942. Roosevelt wrote his attorney general: “I want one thing clearly understood, Francis. I won’t hand them over to any United States marshal armed with a writ of habeas corpus. Understand?”
Instead the spies were subjected to a military tribunal, which began less than a month after the spies were caught. It took less than a month to reach a verdict. The spies were executed one week after sentencing. The Supreme Court twice affirmed the president’s authority to conduct this tribunal.
Do Biden and Harris have no sense of decency? Do we not owe it to the people who died on 9/11—some of whom jumped to their deaths because that option was preferable to asphyxiation or incineration—and the thousands more Americans killed and maimed in the war the terrorists started that day to exact the ultimate legal punishment?
No doubt Biden, Harris, and the lapdog media see these steps as some type of accomplishment. As vice president, Harris sits on the National Security Council but seemingly has no public profile in national security except for failing as border czar. The administration’s other accomplishments include humiliating the United States at the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan, endowing Iran with the funds and freedom to spread war across the Middle East including killing Americans and taking Americans hostage in Israel, and engaging in the unrequited romancing of Beijing in the naive hope that China will act nicer. Winning the Ukraine war was supposed to wash away this ignominious record, but instead Russia is winning. Clearly something else must be manufactured to give Harris a “win.”
Weakness against Russia. Weakness against China. Weakness against Iran. Weakness against terrorists. This is the record of Biden and Harris, reinforced again this week. It would also be the path Harris would take were she to become commander in chief, with untold more Americans taken hostage or dead, and more global humiliation for the United States.